Ledger wallets are available at different price points

Ledger regularly releases firmware updates to address security vulnerabilities, improve device performance.

To initiate the setup of your Ledger hardware wallet, visit the official Ledger website and go to "ledger.com/start." This dedicated URL is designed to guide users through the initial steps of configuring their Ledger devices securely.

Here are the general steps you can expect when you visit "ledger.com/start":

  1. Connect Your Ledger Device: Plug your Ledger hardware wallet (such as Ledger Nano S or Ledger Nano X) into your computer using the provided USB cable.

  2. Choose Your Device Model: If you have multiple Ledger device models, select the specific model you are setting up.

  3. Download Ledger Live: You will be prompted to download Ledger Live, the official companion software for managing your Ledger device and cryptocurrency holdings. This software is available for various operating systems.

  4. Install Ledger Live: Follow the on-screen instructions to install Ledger Live on your computer.

  5. Initialize Your Ledger Device: Ledger Live will guide you through the process of initializing your Ledger device. This involves setting up a PIN code and generating a recovery seed—a crucial backup for restoring access to your wallet.

  6. Secure Your Recovery Seed: Write down and securely store your recovery seed in a safe location. This seed is essential for wallet recovery in case your Ledger device is lost, damaged, or needs to be reset.

  7. Complete Setup: Follow the remaining steps in Ledger Live to complete the setup of your Ledger hardware wallet. This may include verifying your recovery seed and ensuring that your device firmware is up to date.

Remember to only use the official Ledger website and follow the instructions provided during the setup process to ensure the security of your cryptocurrency holdings. Keep your recovery seed private and secure, and regularly check for firmware updates to maintain the highest level of security for your Ledger hardware wallet.

Last updated